Collinson科领盛任命戴旻Colin Dai为中国区总经理

Marketing Team
12 Oct 2021

全球旅行体验、机场服务和旅游医疗公司Collinson科领盛,今天宣布任命戴旻(Colin Dai)为中国区总经理,接替与Collinson科领盛成功合作共事五年的邓丽芳(Vivien Deng)。

戴旻(Colin Dai)是一位经验丰富的高级管理人员,作为复星的前任亚洲区业务负责人,他在全球和亚洲知名企业拥有20多年的工作经验。他曾任职携程网全球营销和业务拓展高级总监、 环亚机场管理集团中国区销售总监、卡塔尔航空中国区商务经理、以及维珍航空的中国区市场和营销经理。

此前,Collinson科领盛旗下品牌Priority Pass宣布在2021年将服务网络扩展20%的发展战略。今年迄今为止,Priority Pass已经新增103间高端贵宾室,其中有52间是在中国市场,同时也新增了19间优质餐饮和水疗体验项目。

为了打造完美的服务体验,Priority Pass的姊妹公司Airport Dimensions最近也宣布与Ambaar Lounge品牌以及摩根大通建立合作伙伴关系;与摩根大通的合作是新建三间全新的高端贵宾室品牌“Chase Sapphire Lounge by The Club“,分别位于香港国际机场(HKG) (年底即将开业)、纽约的拉瓜迪亚机场(LGA)和波士顿洛根国际机场(BOS)。

I am delighted to welcome Colin to the role of Country Director for China. Colin’s experience within the travel, airport hospitality and e-commerce platform spaces will prove key to our continued development of, and investment in, Collinson’s China market, for the benefit of our clients and their customers.

With the global safe return to travel a core focus, Collinson has spent the last 12 months working with airlines, airports and other members of the travel ecosystem, as well as governments around the world to help restart travel safely. Collinson has also used its travel medical resources to become the world’s leading COVID-19 travel testing company, with partnerships with more than 30 airlines, airports and health passport providers including Virgin Atlantic, IATA, CommonPass and Verifly. 


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